Woven in Truth Podcast

Painfully Faithful: Clinging to God through Suffering

Maria McHargue Season 1 Episode 68

In this compelling episode, Maria McHargue joins us to talk about what it means for her to be faithful as a Christian who manages chronic pain. Suffering can feel unbearable at times, but God invites us to rely on Him and His love- even when nothing makes sense. Maria encourages us to anchor ourselves in Scripture as we claim God as our Rock, Refuge, and Rest amid life’s painful struggles. Wherever you are, you are not alone. 

About the Speaker:
Maria is originally from New Jersey and has been a disciple for over 20 years. She has a Masters in Social Work as well as her clinical license and worked as a foster care social worker for several years before going into the full-time ministry. Maria and her husband Cash have been married for over 13 years and have two kids- Isabella who is 12 and Hunter who is 10. She has served in ministry for the last 15 years in Baltimore Maryland, Madrid Spain, and Boston where she currently serves as a Women’s Ministry Leader in the South Coastal Region. Her life took a radical turn while living in Spain when she was diagnosed with a spinal tumor that left her unable to walk and in tremendous pain. After a quick flight home and two surgeries later she was partially paralyzed and her journey to relearn to walk began. She still deals with chronic pain and fatigue but she is passionate about women’s ministry and inspiring others to persevere through life’s trials. Maria is grateful for opportunities to share her story and help women grow in their trust in God. 

Episode Notes:

Psalm 94:18-19- When I said, “My foot is slipping!” Your unfailing love, O Eternal One, held me up. When anxiety overtakes me and worries are many, Your comfort lightens my soul.

Tim Keller: “Suffering is unbearable if you aren’t certain that God is for you and with you.”

Psalm 62:1-8 

  • God as our Rock, Refuge & Rest

Muscle Memory

  • the Bible is my spiritual muscle memory
  • Turn to the Psalms in dark and lonely places
  • Like David, our hope can be found in God’s faithfulness.

“Anchor Scriptures” help you not drift 

  • “Ever present hope” 
  • Help us be still and grounded in God. He is in control. 
  • Lam 3:21
  • Psalm 46:1
  • Reliance on God when nothing makes sense
  • Hebrews 5: 7-9

Where do you turn when you want to give up? 
When you’re feeling hopeless and helpless? 
When life doesn’t make sense

  • Look to Jesus and His example; fix your eyes on Him so you can endure. 
  • Hebrews 12:1-3
  • Jesus’ example gave me and continues to give me hope

Perservance, endurance is hard: It is inspiring to hear stories of how people overcame and endured difficulties- but it is not easy being the one going to through it

  • There are many tears
  • It is lonely
  • Exhausting
  • Sad

Isaiah 26:3-4

  • Eyes on God for spiritual rest
  • Helps to remind me of gratitude
  • What God has brought me through
  • Looking to God and not the problem
  • Gratitude lists

Psalm 18:1-2- “I love you, LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”

“God didn’t bring us this far to fail."

Anchor scriptures; Looking to God as my Refuge, my Rock and my Rest

Be gracious with yourself, God is gracious with you. 

Pain & Joy can coexist - God is with you in & through the pain.

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