Woven in Truth Podcast

Building Meaningful Community

Maggie Butterfield Season 1 Episode 58

Maggie Butterfield joins the podcast to discuss community and shares some refreshing perspectives on embracing social circles in new and different ways. There’s so much richness to be found in life as we take small steps to establish connections and build friendships without agenda. We can give the Spirit room to move as we build bridges to share the gospel and learn a lot from others as we love people deeply without contingencies. 

About the Speaker

Maggie Butterfield leads the Springfield, MO Church of Christ alongside her husband, Arlee. They are raising their 3 daughters, Madelynne (13), Maylee (10), and Abigail (5) to be countercultural ladies! She has a heart for the small church and loves building community where she is planted. Maggie loves all things foodie and health and wellness and is currently studying the brain and trauma. She can also be found running a podcast with her gal pals called The Artichoke Heart. You can find them on facebook, Instagram or Spotify. She would love to have you join her online community!

Episodes Notes

Maggie’s definition of Community: A group that comes together over a common interest, passion, or a sharing of space with others. 

We are designed and built for community. Doing life with others matters- to our lives on Earth, but ultimately before God and His plans & purposes. 

Isaiah 43:18-19- “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

Small steps to establish connections and friendships are so important- this doesn’t just help us socially but spiritually as well. We can share the gospel and also learn a lot from others. 

Connecting agenda-free with people who have different belief systems makes us well rounded and able to build bridges with others. 

Community is about loving people deeply, not having an agenda or timeline. 

Barriers to building new or meaningful community: 

  • Focusing on the differences instead of the commonalities.
  • Having an agenda or forcing a narrative.
  • Assuming that you will be the influencer of the group
  • Our own fears or assumptions.
  • Holding on to ideas that we have picked up over the years.
  • Shutting down when people don’t think or communicate exactly like you. 

“You miss out when you let the barriers get in the way of the richness of what could be and how God wants to work.”

We can seek to love people well in our communities, not just “convert” them.

Build community in a spot where God already has you- instead of adding something else, just be more intentional where you already are…

The Artichoke Heart- community that reaches families, builds bridges etc. 

“Be the community that you want to have” 

Give yourself permission to not have all the answers. 

Romans 12:1-2 living sacrifice reference- changing our posture in the communities we are already in.

 “Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman 

Check out The Artichoke Heart community

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